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Welcome to the convenience of doing shopping online. Your one-stop solution for NOT searching for countless items of the same category. Here we have done it all for you. Now select the best of under 100 dollars deals and items on offer on the internet. How do we do it? Here is how:

There are countless review sites on the internet and even big players like Forbes, Yahoo, Business Insiders, etc are publishing reviews on almost every product nowadays. So why would you need another review site?

There are 2 major issues with almost every review site out there

1. Expensive products
2. Similar Products

Almost every review site has these two issues. But do you know why? It’s because every site gets a commission when someone buys the product suggested by them (yes even forbes.com). So to get more commission, they always suggest the products with the highest price. Now since the expensive products are limited in every category, almost every site starts recommending the same products in their reviews.

To counter these sites, BestUnder100.com offers you product reviews under your budget. We believe that, in this era of product and brand competition, the consumer should be the winner. And to ensure that, we bring you the best products under 100 dollars in every category. But that's not all. Besides price, we use several other factors as well to suggest products that fall under $100 range. This way we ensure that our readers get the best product within a reasonable budget.

With a combination of editorial review and our number based algorithm, we provide the updated and useful resources to our readers interested in a specific product. So for instance, on our Best Puppy Food for Large Breeds page, we also list the resources to check the updated pet product recalls. This will help the users to make an informed buying decision by seeing which brands have the most recent or frequent product recalls.

Also to ensure transparency, we list down the factors on which the products were reviewed, hence giving the customer an overview of the most important factors to consider when buying a particular product.

Like we mentioned earlier, consumers are the priority at BestUnder100 and we are doing our very best to make sure that you get the best product and save money at the same time. We constantly update products so that you get the best possible purchase!

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